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It is accepted by most foreign language teaching experts that the Grammar-Translation Method originated from the_________ century.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)外语教学法(00833)33

The theory of language underlying the Grammar-Translation Method was derived from____________.

高老师4个月前 (05-22)外语教学法(00833)34

As a key feature of the Oral Approach, ____________should be presented in sentences,and sentences should be practiced in meaningful contexts.

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____________was developed in the late 19th century as a reaction against the Grammar-Translation Method.

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The Direct Method came into being as a result of____________ in the 19th century.

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Designing listening comprehension tasks is one of the ways to establish a favorable classroom climate in____________ .

高老师2周前 (09-07)外语教学法(00833)32

Which of the following is forbidden in a Direct Method classroom?

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The Audiolingual Method is in origin mainly____________ .

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What contributions does the Audiolingual Approach make to language teaching?

高老师1个月前 (08-17)外语教学法(00833)33

Which psychologist emphasizes active restructuring of knowledge through experience with the environment?

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According to the Cognitive approach, which of the following is NOT one of the typical cognitive exercises used to check whether students have really mastered the meaning, formation and usage of rules taught?

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Krashen identified three kinds of affective variables related to second language acquisition EXCEPT____________ .

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The Natural Approach emphasizes the primacy of ____________.

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According to Halliday, social context of language use can be analyzed in terms of three factors EXCEPT____________ .

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____________ distinction between appropriacy and accuracy, communicative competence and grammatical competence, use and usage threw much light on the Communicative Language Teaching.

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What role is a teacher NOT allowed to assume in the communicative classroom?

高老师4周前 (08-27)外语教学法(00833)30

Which of the following teaching methods advises teachers to consider their students as ‘whole persons”?

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L. Bloomfield maintained that linguists should describe instead of prescribe what people actually say and should take a (an) ____________approach in analyzing data.

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Chomsky assumes that children are born with a language acquisition device(LAD), which is made up of a set of general principles called____________ grammar.

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The____________ linguistics develops directly from the London School of Linguistics and the precursor of it was the anthropologist B. Malinowski.

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According to behaviorists, language is regarded as a set of linguistic____________ .

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According to Krashen, the only way for people to acquire a language is by understanding messages or receiving comprehensible____________ .

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Harold Palmer and A. S. Hornby, two pioneers of the Oral Approach, were familiar but dissatisfied with the____________ Method/Approach.

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Traditional linguists believed that the____________ form of language was superior to the spoken form.

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When discussing the rules of language, traditional linguists usually took a____________ approach.

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