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With a determiner:
The two boys were under the age of 18, so ______ of them was eligible for a driver's license.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)11

With a modal auxiliary:
I ______ have saved more money, or I could have afforded a big house in this affluent neighborhood.

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With a modaI auxiliary:
He is a man of integrity; he ______ never do anything dishonest.

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With a preposition:
In his speech, Churchill clearly announced that they would ______ no means negotiate with Hitler. Instead, they would fight him to the end.

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With a preposition:
It is not likely that George smashed the vase ______ purpose; it must have been an accident.

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With a preposition:
When the sun sank ______ the horizon, we made our way to the hotel and had a good night's sleep.

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With a preposition:
She jumped ______ joy on hearing that she had been awarded the scholarship.

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With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:
John Sutter was a Swiss immigrant ______ came to California in 1839, intent on building his own agricultural empire.

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With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:
Nucleic acid testing is by far the single most effective means by ______ to find those infected by the virus.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)13

With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:
The first and most obvious reason ______ I gave up meat is that I'm against cruelty to animals.

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With a relative pronoun or relative adverb:
I have never understood the British attachment to the seaside, so last weekend ______ my wife suggested we take a drive to the seaside, I immediately said "No".

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With a coordinator or subordinator:
I've told you that I wanted to do some volunteering work in Africa, ______ I really mean it.

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With a coordinator or subordinator:
With only 3% of Americans in agriculture today, brain has supplanted brawn, ______ cultural preferences, like bad habits, are easier to make than break.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)13

With a coordinator or subordinator:
______ smoking is harmful to one's health is something we can take for granted.

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With a question tag:
It seemed that everything went wrong while I was away, ______?

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With a question tag:
I don't think it's the right time to take action, ______?

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With a question tag:
Don't talk in the reading room, ______?

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subjunctive mood

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