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In general, the( )the screen size, the( )you need to sit for optimal picture quality.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)33

Three days( )usually not enough for a cat to become acquainted with a new cat or kitten.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)30

He may get his teaching qualifications but I couldn't imagine ( )long term in the current school environment.

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Twenty years after the storm, Homestead's population is nearly( )than it was when Andrew ruined the town.

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Cowan was the last man( ), voluntarily covering the withdrawal of his remaining comrades.

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Adjust the chair height so your elbows are about( )the work surface.

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Then, as bystanders run( )all directions, the man fell abruptly to the ground after apparently being shot.

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( ), she has dared to do what many others do not publicly criticize the Taliban.

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At present she's focused on next month( )will see her set on her biggest UK tour to date.

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Gradually the road climbs among high mountains and through a dark forest( )huge trees shut out the light with their thick towering leaves.

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( ) is too much for two little girls to carry.

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He turns out to be such an extremely successful actor,( ) none of his former classmates is.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)30

Of ( ) two colleagues, one lives in ( ) town and the other in( )countryside.

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The manager demanded that Mary( )from her job as a secretary after the incident.

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I am an admirer of Lincoln and I think if he( )here now, he'd have a good sense of humor about it.

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One astronaut who joined the program in 1996( )only after he had been applying for 12 years.

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The wounded( )for treatment, but the rest are sent immediately to holding centers.

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The outdoor stadium will( )at least 60,000 people.

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Jewelry( )becoming increasingly popular, in one form or another, among teenage guys.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)34

( )constantly pick up your hands to guide him?

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)30

Wall Street, the financial centre of the world, is well-known for its ( ) buildings.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)34

I can't but ( ) with the teachers who shared their opinions in the video.

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Michigan's ban on gay marriage( )in last Friday's case.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)30

What impressed the boys most was the laser-simulation confrontation,( )soldiers jumped through flaming hoops to carry out their mission.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)30

Only when it came to drinking champagne from the Cup ( ) they didn't have the Cup with them.

高老师6个月前 (03-27)英语语法(00831)32