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Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.
Facebook, the Web's most popular social networking site, has been caught in a content-rights battle after revealing that it was granting itself permanent rights to users'photos, w

高老师6个月前 (03-26)英语阅读(一)(00595)18

Passage 3
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.
Facebook, the Web's most popular social networking site, has been caught in a content-rights battle after revealing that it was granting itself permanent rights to users'photos, wall posts and other information even after a user closed an account.Under fire from tens of thousands of users Facebook posted a brief message on users' home pages that said it was returning to its previous"Terms of Use"policy.
Member backlash against Facebook began after a consumer advocate website,The Consumerist, flagged a change made to Facebook's policy. Facebook deleted a sentence from the old Terms of Use. That sentence said Facebook could not claim any rights to original content that a user uploaded once the user closed his or her account. The company replaced it with: "You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. However, you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content. "In response, Chris Walters,wrote in the Consumerist post, "Make sure you never upload anything you don't feel comfortable giving away, because it's Facebook's now." Thousands of indignant members either canceled their accounts or created online petition.Among them were more than 64,000 who joined a group called "The People Against the new Terms of Service."
Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg tried to quell(平息)the controversy by saying the company's philosophy is that people own their information and control who they share it with. But members were not appeased because the site did not fix its Terms of Use. The company, in its post, said it was returning to its previous Terms of Use because of the "feedback" it had received."It was never our intention to confuse people or make them uneasy about sharing on Facebook," company spokesman Barry Schnitt said in blog post. " also want to be very clear that Facebook does not, nor have we ever, claimed ownership over people's content. Your content belongs to you." Schnitt said the company is in the process of rewording its Terms of Use in "simple language that defines Facebook's rights much more specifically."
Facing the crisis, Facebook decided to____

A.delete a sentence in its new Terms of Use

B.issue a statement to defend its position

C.make modifications in its philosophy

D.resume the old terms of user rights




