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【完成句子】As the sunflowers grow, put a hay fence around them for protection and stake if necessary. Plant morning glories or sweet peas around the base of each sunflower, and they will grow up the stems, eventually forming a roof over the top. By summer

高老师2个月前 (07-29)英语(二)(00015)16

【完成句子】As the sunflowers grow, put a hay fence around them for protection and stake if necessary. Plant morning glories or sweet peas around the base of each sunflower, and they will grow up the stems, eventually forming a roof over the top. By summer’s end, kids will have a sunflower house to play in.When autumn comes, children can__________.

A.seed lots of sunflowers

B.play games in the sunflower house

C.include plants with animal names

D.find their own playing section




