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In its broad sense culture is. ( )

高老师6个月前 (03-28)语言与文化(00838)28

Language is_________, which means that speech is the primary medium of language

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Word______________frequently appears together with "boy", "man", "vessel" or "airliner" ( )

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Word "get" is derived from____________. ( )

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_________is the name given to a young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institution and conventional attitudes towards morality, style of dress, etc. ( )

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In English culture, "White" connotes_____________. ( )

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The metaphorical expression "she cast her spell over me" illustrated that ( )

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"Even reckoning makes long friends." is a proverb that related to ( )

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"To cause one to feel fear, loathing, aversion, nervous anxiety" is synonymous to___________. ( )

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"A proud of flesh" is derived from Shakespeare' s______________. ( )

高老师4个月前 (05-18)语言与文化(00838)30

"The old Adam" is an allusion from_________. ( )

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"To kick off” is derived from______. ( )

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"Friday" is named after Freya, _____________. ( )

高老师6个月前 (03-28)语言与文化(00838)25

A___________is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things. ( )

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"There are too many facts here for me to digest them all." is a metaphorical expression about ideas, which are___________ ( )

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A blackleg is a person who_____________. ( )

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The English equivalent for "贱内" is__________.

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One’s oral speech is always interpreted in relation to__________that accompanies his speech. ( )

高老师5个月前 (04-20)语言与文化(00838)24

The first successful British colony was founded in______________, Virginia, in 1607. ( )

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Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, which is the __________ function of nonverbal message. ( )

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Language is ______ in that it is rule governed. ( )

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In its narrow sense "culture" can be defined as ______ of a population. ( )

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______ meaning is communicated when the feelings or attitudes of language users are expressed. ( )

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______ is a ship in which a group of British Puritans sailed to America in 1620. ( )

高老师6个月前 (03-28)语言与文化(00838)25

"He graduated from English Department, Beijing University." illustrates the fact that English differs from Chinese in ______ .( )

高老师6个月前 (03-28)语言与文化(00838)22