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When the obstruction is partial and the air is forced through a narrow passage in the mouth so as to cause definite local friction at the point, the speech sound thus produced is a f______.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)16

Like derivation, c______ is another popular and important way of creating new words by combing two or more words.

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A c______ sentence contains two clauses joined by a linking word such as “and,” “but,” “or.”

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A predication consists of argument(s)and p______.

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The meaning of a sentence is abstract and decontextualized, that of an u______ is concrete and context-dependent.

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The Great V______ Shift in the history of English led to one of the major discrepancies between the pronunciation and the spelling system of Modern English.

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Like a lingua franca, a p______ is used for some practical purposes, such as trading, by groups of people who do not know each other's languages.

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The c______ period hypothesis refers to a period in one's life extending from about age two to puberty, during which the human brain is most ready to acquire a particular language and language learning can proceed easily, swiftly, and without explici

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)18

According to Krashen, a______ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations.

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free morpheme

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angular gyrus

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language input

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The famous quotation “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" well illustrates the ______ nature of language.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)18

Acoustic phoneticians try to describe the ______ properties of the stream of sounds which a speaker issues.

高老师5个月前 (04-14)现代语言学(00830)17

The smallest meaningful unit of language is called ______.

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Words and phrases are organized according to the ______ categories they belong to.

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Of the following four pairs of words, ______ are synonyms.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)18

Speech act theory was originated with the British philosopher ______ in the late 50's of the 20th century.

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