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Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of grammaticality belong to the same___________.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)32

Sociolinguistics is primarily concerned with the social significance of language ___________and language use in different speech communities.

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In semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is called___________, which is the abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.

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The notion of ___________ is essential to the pragmatic study of language.

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The first and most widely investigated language family of the world is___________

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Cultural t___________means that language can be passed on from one generation to the next through teaching and learning, rather than by instinct.

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When pitch, stress, and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i___________.

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Language acquisition is concerned with language d ___________in humans.

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Semantically, the meaning of a compound is often i ___________, not always being the sum total of the meanings of its components.

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The relationship between the name and the meaning of a word is quite a___________.

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Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called t___________ rules, whose operation may change the syntactic representation of a sentence.

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A creole language is originally a p ___________that has become established as a native language in some speech community.

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P___________ refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have more than one meaning.

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If one contributes more information than is required in a conversation, he/she violates the maxim of q___________.

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Many of the most basic terms in the English language originate from O___________English.

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The description of a language at some point in time is a diachronic study.

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are two dental fricatives in English.

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Although there are individual differences in onset and rate of language development, children across cultures follow the same order of language development.

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“Plural” is a morpheme.

高老师5个月前 (05-07)现代语言学(00830)32

Language is the only means for thought.

高老师6个月前 (03-28)现代语言学(00830)29

Parameters are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way or another and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.

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A regional dialect is usually spoken by a group of people living in the same community.

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Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reduce meaning to observable contexts.

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The two sentences “Tom smokes.” and “Tom is smoking.”have the same predication.

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Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the spoken.

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