

下列四个备选项中只有一个可以替代句中加粗的单词或词组,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。The authorities are willing to permit a run-down in the country’s international reserves over the next few years as means of 【accelerating】 the introduction of foreign technology.

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Another 20% worked well, but the remaining 60% should have been 【scrapped】.

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Now Zhangjiagang is China’s seventh largest port and a 【tumultuous】 construction zone of half-built office buildings and hotels

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Against this 【deteriorating】 global background, the improvement in economic performance in a few developing regions in 1991 was especially noteworthy.

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Balanced against that criticism is the positive reaction in Latin America to Mr. Clinton’s 【embrace】 of the free-trade agreement.

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As Europe’s economy has 【soured】, free-market ideas that are new to much of Europe face new challenges.

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At the summit meeting, America insisted that Japan should 【come up with】 specific measures that would enable it to meet new import targets.

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Fearful that rapidly modernizing Korean 【rivals】 will intrude on its foreign and domestic markets, Japan has fought to keep the Koreans from appropriating its technologies.

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International consultants who want to secure definite projects at 【lucrative】 fees are finding it harder and harder.

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A separate, long-running dispute over oilseeds does still 【pose】 a threat.

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With barter, however, 【debtor】 nations can continue to import goods while, in effect, concealing export earnings from creditors.

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However, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo still face a struggle in 【persuading】 bottlers across the nation to take the products.

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Tractors and other agricultural machines greatly 【facilitate】 farming.

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You can use credit cards but it’s best to take some 【currency】 as well.

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Lead values moved up to their best level since April last year 【in the absence of】 a settlement at Australia’s broken hill lead-zinc-silver mines.

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Owing to the financial crisis, economic problems were 【exacerbated】 all over the world.

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The authorities are willing to permit a 【run-down】 in the country’s international reserves over the next few years.

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Figures show that the bulk of our foreign 【obligations】 consist of non-bank trade-related credits.

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Foreign investors want to enjoy the same tax 【status】 as the domestic ones.

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More than a decade of fast growth makes China to 【supplant】 Japan as West’s main trade worry in Asia.

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Many governments have promised to take 【measures】 to help the unemployed.

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【Discrimination】 against goods from foreign countries is prohibited by WTO.

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America’s 【embrace】 of the free-trade agreements balanced all the criticism from the developing countries.

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Because of the mutual benefits no one would take a 【breach】 of those law lightly.

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Economists 【reckon】 Japanese bilateral trade surplus with America is also growing rapidly.

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