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The presiding judge described the terrorist attack as an ______ crime. (2012年10月髙级英语试题)

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)17

He lived quietly with a woman who was neither young nor old,neither ______ nor pretty.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)20

These TV viewers show a(n) ______ lack of understanding.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)19

He showed great ______ of character when he refused to accept the bribes.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)17

I will go back to my peaceful house although it is humble and_____.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)17

When the authority of fathers begins to ______,political power generally collapses,as well.

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The glass remained ______ after being dropped.

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They need to be ______ at collaborating with colleagues outside their own department.

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New books were displayed in a ______ position on tables at the front of the shop.

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The government is trying to ______ the people into thinking that a war is necessary.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)21

You need to demonstrate to the examiners that you have more than a(n) ______ understanding of the text.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)15

Such ______ of the facts cannot be allowed to go unchallenged.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)17

Cutting the bush back in the autumn will help promote ______ growth in the spring.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)18

In this story, the clever little fox ______ the hunters and escapes from the trap they set.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)33

The British ______ time, effort and huge sums of money on pets.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)22

The fortunes of the major political parties tend to ______ and flow over time

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I’m tired of listening to her ______ the virtues of her children.

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There will be a mass ______ to the seaside, the countryside and foreign holiday destinations during summer vacation

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John was angry when the boss said that his proposal was completely ______.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)20

Lack of sleep has ______ her concentration.

高老师4个月前 (05-31)高级英语(00600)21

He had long held a(n) ______ fascination with the horrors of contemporary warfare.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)18

The government replaced the narrow street with a wide ______ with the funds raised.

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Like so many politicians, he had an ______ appetite for power.

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The citizens are grateful to the government for the ______ environment.

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The farmers’ ______ from the contest aroused heated debates.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)高级英语(00600)22