

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)11


高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)13


高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)16

TOPIC: Explain the reasons why people have changed from hero-worship to celebrity-worship based on the text “Icons." You can use this outline: • The distinctions between a hero and a celebrity; • The development in mass media that results in suc

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)18

There is still quite a long way to go ________ researchers can find a solution to the problem.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)15

From the tears in his eyes we can tell that something sad ________

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)7

Whenever I ________ these days, I always carry my umbrella just in case.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)16

There ________ no fresh drinking water and no good farmland, it is no longer a suitable place to live in.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)11

Look at the terrible mess I am in. If only I ________ your advice.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)13

He is such a conceited man that he never admits ________ a mistake.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)17

It is because of her lack of experience ________ she does not know how to deal with the situation.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)14

________ is generally accepted, a country’s birth rate influences its economic growth.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)12

Salaries should be raised to ________ the soaring prices of daily necessities.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)14

To our great ________ , Daniel's illness did not turn out as serious as we had feared.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)15

The girl ________ no interest in learning how to play the piano despite her mother's insistence.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)18

Companies usually take your previous experience into ________ when they fix your salary.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)15

She contradicted her boss, even though she knew it was ________ for her to keep her mouth shut.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)13

The journalist claimed that information came from ________ a source.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)11

He ________ whether it was possible for him to get a leave of absence from his work this afternoon.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)18

If next you were asked to list people who are generally admired by society who somehow seem bigger than life, you might come up with an entirely different list.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)16

No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be,a series of props have been knocked from under you, followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)12

I think this makes α man out of a boy sooner than anything else.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)20

They [DDT and other pesticides of its type] tend to be endlessly recycled in the food chains on which birds and animals and man himself are completely dependent.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)9

It is difficult to resist the impression that bribery and other questionable payments are on the increase.

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)16

What impelled the boy to take so much trouble to spare the feelings of a stranger?

高老师6个月前 (03-26)综合英语(二)(00795)18