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【填句补文】Doctors believe that secondhand smoke may cause lung cancer in people who do not smoke because nonsmokers often breathe in the smoke from other people’s cigarettes.________. The US Environmental Protection Agency reports that about 53,000 peopl

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)10

【填句补文】The author says that interpersonal relations should be taught as a required course in every school, along with reading, writing, and mathematics. ________. That is at least as important as how much we know.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)10

【填句补文】The smoke that comes from a lit cigarette contains many different poisonous chemicals. In the past, scientists did not think that these chemicals could harm a nonsmoker’s health. ________. They discovered that even nonsmokers had unhealthy amou

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)11

【填句补文】The acid rain(酸雨) is said to be caused by pollution from oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Car exhaust gases are also a problem. Local volcanic eruptions make the problem even worse. Nevertheless, with enough money and effort, researchers say th

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)10

【填句补文】David Guterson and his wife teach their three children at home. Guterson says that his children learn very differently from children in school: ________. For example, when there is heavy snowfall on a winter day, it may start a discussion or re

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)12

【填句补文】Rough estimates in the past have predicted similarly disappointing results. ________ Says Sallie Chishol, an environmental engineer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "But the take-home message is the same. Ocean fertilization is n

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)9

【概括大意】The charming smiles and service from the sales ladies and gentlemen are always there ready for you. More often than not(往往), on such occasions newcomers from elsewhere, say, China mainland, may feel something more than mere uneasiness-even a se

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)8

【完成句子】Heavy metals are persistent; they do not break down to other chemicals in the environment. Industrially polluted sites usually undergo intensive clean-up and rehabilitation because heavy metals are a health concern once they enter the food chai

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)14

【概括大意】Today, we are beginning to think differently. In the last few years, research has thrown doubt on the view that innate intelligence can ever be measured and on the very nature of intelligence itself. There is considerable evidence now which sho

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)14

【完成句子】Sagan was noted for the vigour of his logic style, especially when criticizing some piece of pseudoscience(伪科学). I remembered a 1973 AAAS meeting at which he destroyed the theories of Immanuel Velikovsky, who was maintaining that only a few tho

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)8

【填句补文】It’s now socially acceptable, even fashionable, to live alone. As people get better jobs and become financially independent, it becomes possible for them to maintain a one-person household. ________. However, people who do get married are marry

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)13

【完成句子】In Britain, robot sales appropriately peaked in 1984, but have been declining ever since. This is partly because, British wage rates are too low to make robots financially attractive and partly because engineers now have more experience with ro

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)8

【阅读选择】The riches of the sea yet to be developed by man’s technology are impressive. Oil and gas explorations have existed for nearly thirty years. Valuable amounts of minerals such as iron, copper and so on exist on the ocean floor.According to the a

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)8

【阅读选择】But Ellen really became famous in 2001. Aged only 24, she was one of only two women who entered the Vendee Globe round the world solo race(单人环球帆船比赛), which lasts 100 days. Despite many problems, she came second in the race out of 24 competitors

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)12

【阅读选择】During the hours when you labour through your work you may say that you’re "hot". That’s true. The time of day when you feel most energetic is when your cycle of body temperature is at its peak. For some people the peak comes during the morning

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)6

【阅读选择】In the next stage, from three to five years old, curiosity knows no bounds. Every type of suitable toy should be made available to the child, for trying out, experimenting and learning, for discovering his own particular ability. Bricks and jig

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)11

【阅读选择】Helping the planet is a big part of what our world trip is all about and that’s exactly what we did this past week. We helped get a hydroponics farm started in a local village. This farm will be a model for the local villagers so they can start

高老师3个月前 (07-06)英语(二)(00015)15

【阅读选择】Late one Sunday afternoon in September 1999, Oseola McCarty, an elderly cleaning lady passed away in the little wooden frame house where she had lived and worked most of her life. It may seem like an ordinary end to a humble life, but there was

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)9

【阅读判断】The UK is portioned at No. 29, a much lower position chiefly because of the social and family breakdown recorded in official statistics. The US, which has the second highest per capita GDP(人均国内生产总值) after Luxembourg, took the 13th place in the

高老师6个月前 (03-29)英语(二)(00015)8

【阅读判断】Five neighbors at a central Missouri retirement community who are all centenarians (百岁老人) get asked all the time:“How did you live to be 100?"Q: The five centenarians live in a very friendly community.

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)13

【概括大意】Two major findings have emerged from these researches. Firstly, the greater part of the development of observed intelligence occurs in the earliest years of life. It is estimated that 50 percent of measurable intelligence at age 17 is already p

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)9

【完成句子】Certainly there are millions who need to lose weight. But there are also millions who only imagine they need to. Compulsive and continuous dieting, not to mention eating disorders, shows that some of us will do anything to reduce our bodies dow

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)11

【概括大意】The modem ideas concerning the nature of intelligence are bound to have some effect on our school system. In one respect a change is already occurring. With the move toward comprehensive education and the development of unstreamed classes, fewe

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)8

【阅读选择】People suspected that “Lucky”, as he was called by friends, wanted to kill his wife he no longer lived with. They say that Lucan entered his old house and in the dark, killed the nanny by mistake. His estranged wife heard noises, came downstair

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)9

【阅读选择】Marian, the girl who wrote the original story about Roxaboxen that the children’s book is based on, was mayor. Other kids ran the stores which sold imaginary ice cream and baked goods. Kids drove imaginary cars outside of town, and the speeders

高老师6个月前 (03-25)英语(二)(00015)7